About us

Kolarević company, above all, is a team of professionals who likes and respect wood, and thus it continually strives to present, in the best possible way, the beauty of wood through good quality processing of it’s surface.
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About company

Kolarevic workers

"Kolarević" company was founded in 2000, when the sawmill started working, after which the production program is expanded to the production of solid laminated sheets. By achieving the desired quality and mastering the technology of production, the next expected step was the final production, ie, production of furniture made of solid wood. Kolarević is a team and a timber production company, and he manufactures tables, beds, chests, night cabinets, beams, joists, columns, slabs. Each piece is made of solid laminated plates with zinc and width joint depending on the requirement.

The knowledge we have gained over the years, as well as the technological possibilities we possess, was proven on the foreign market, successfully overcoming new constructive and workable challenges. The product that speaks on our behalf, found the way to Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Australia ... Since it has survived on the way of exporting all these years, it is sufficient proof that our effort and work, shaped into a wood product, is worth the attention of people "in" and "out" of our country, whether it is furniture, board, beams or pellets.

Kolarevic workers

There is more than a fifteen years of successful work behind us, and today we are ...

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Serious and competitive manufacturers of panels and furniture made of solid wood
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Those who have a high quality as a priority, because there are no warranty claims from our customers
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Exporters, because we export 90% of products to countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Australia
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A team of 200 people, who knows about victories and defeats, but does not give up and looks for new challenges

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Kolarevic worker